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Conclusions of the Programme

The NHS Eyecare Progamme came to an end on the 31st March 2008. For further information please see details for individual pilot sites.

Conference 2007

The NHS Eyecare Services Conference took place on 17-18 January 2007. Evaluation of the pilot sites and conference materials are now available on this site.

Launch of the BD&H LV Centre

The LV Centre in Barking officially opens its doors to clients


Eyecare pathways - developing local models

From a clinical perspective, lead ophthalmologists work with community optometrists to develop and agree protocols for diagnosis, treatment and ongoing care for patients with the long term conditions of glaucoma, age related macular degeneration and low vision.

This ensures that optometrists are able to demonstrate, or acquire, the full range of knowledge and skills required, enabling ophthalmologists to delegate appropriate tasks within a locally agreed shared care scheme. To enable this to be put into place, local training programmes were devised and undertaken. Within the pilot scheme, each site developed their own training programme to meet their local circumstances and which could become models for further refinement and ultimately for wider adoption.

Pilot sites ensured that all optometrists were invited to be involved in the scheme. However, only those who wished to pursue the training and gain the necessary level of competence were eligible to participate in the ongoing scheme and become recognised as practitioners with a special interest.

From an organisational perspective, the pilots also explored the opportunities for new ways of working and providing services in more convenient locations and improving the skills mix of professionals involved.

This provided the opportunity to effectively establish a baseline of their current position and start to address capacity and demand planning. Involvement of all staff in process mapping sessions provided the opportunity to bring all those involved in the process together to discuss the actual reality of the current situation. They began identifying improvements such as:

"Pilot sites have also been actively encouraged to utilise the full range of NHS modernisation tools and techniques." Andrew Kent
  • streamlining the system
  • ensuring easy and more rapid access
  • designing more appropriate patient/client information
  • sites are also encouraged to regularly review progress and apply learning using the Plan, Do, Study Act (PDSA) cycles

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